Writing articles and marketing it online is one of the most effective and free way to publicize your website, and promote your products and services online.
The Web is like a printing press with a huge demand and interest for articles written by experts. There are literally thousands of websites and ezines that are begging for good articles written by you. Such type of sites needs lots of articles submitted to them. They even search sites on the web for permission to use articles.
So, how do you know which article directories to select?
Through my few months of experience, and many conversations with some Internet Marketers, in order to have the greatest impact, you need to use a 3-tiered article marketing approach targeting:
- The major article directories like Ezinearticles.com, Goarticles.com, Articledashboard.com and Ideamarketers.com .
- Smaller niche directory sites that relates to your content.
- Niche ezine and website publishers who need only good quality content that will add value to their website/blog or email newsletter audience.
Many people asks; What is the best way to find ezines and websites that are the most read(human wise) so my article gets the most exposure?; I think that should not be the first question you ask yourself. Yes, I know you do want to find websites that are hugely visited and ezines that are the most read; but more importantly, you want to focus on finding websites and ezine publishers within your specificniche that have strong emotional connections to their audience.
Most likely, you are already visiting their websites or subscribing to their ezines. If you don’t know who has a great ezine related to your industryniche, there are plenty of ezine directories like bestezines.com on the net that can guide you.
Other strategies include:
- Research your competitors and see where are there articles being published?
- Perform a Google search. Just type in your industry or article topic followed by the words article submission. For Example search for “blogging article submission” , “make money online article submission” , health article submission” and you will discover many article submission sites with your preferred niche.
- And, don’t forget to check sites for magazines within your niche. More and more publications, are looking for fresh, new content for their website, to drive traffic up in order to sell more print magazines in the long run. This constant updating of articles found only on the website and not in their print publications means more opportunities for writers and experts.An articlewritten by you published on sites like Entrepreneur Magazine and Mothering Magazine will give your company the vast amount of exposure and credibility it needs.
I hope following these startergies will help you in finding your proper article directory to get the best benefits of article marketing.
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