Beginner Guide for making money online

Idea of making money online looks really cool to all us as it gives us the opportunity to make great amount of money on internet and also gives us the freedom to work when we really wants to. This post is specially for you if you are beginner and looking at some ways to make money on the internet:

  1. Filling online surveys – There are many survey filling websites on internet where you get make from $1 to $75 per survey. Filling a survey will take 5-10 minutes only and can be thought of an easiest way to make money on internet when you have no blog or website of your own. But you should take cautions when you go for online filling survey websites. There are many survey websites which are just scam and exists on the internet to waste your valuable time and money. Before taking any survey on a website, spend some time on internet to inquire about what others have to say about that particular website, payment proofs, and Minimum payout and whether they are asking some kind of money before you start taking surveys. So you should be extra careful when going for making money with survey filling websites.
  2. Data Entry Jobs – Beginners can think of making some good amount of money while doing data entry jobs available on internet. Generally, we don’t require any experience or programming skills to do these jobs. There are many Freelancing websites available on internet where we can find some good data entry jobs for ourselves. Some of popular freelancing websites are,, and
  3. Writing content – There are many websites where you can write content about the topics you are knowledgeable and passionate about. On such website, you get some percentage of profit when a visitor visits the page written by you. Here is the list of some Adsense revenue sharing websites
  4. Creating a blog – creating a blog gives us the opportunity to make money in many ways. And if you are new to blogging, I would suggest you create your first blog on So chose a topic for your blog you are passionate or knowledgeable about. You should choose a topic you can write long post and at regular intervals. You don’t require knowledge of HTML to start a blog on and if you have some knowledge about HTML, that will help you create a more professional looking blog. And when we think about generating revenue from a blogger blog, you can always go for Google Adsense. With Google Adsense, we are going to get paid for every click made on an Adsense Ad. And to make more amount of money from your blog, increase the number of people that are visiting your blog on daily basis, coming from Search Engines, referral Sites or directly opening your blog.
  5. Affiliate program – Join an affiliate program like Amazon, Clickbank or LinkShare and get paid for every sale that is made via your affiliate ID. Spend some time on these affiliate sites and find some products that are someway related to your blog niche. And when you find some products in your niche, add links and banners for those products in your blog header, sidebar, footer and if applicable in your post section as well.

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