Twitter is one of the places online which receive the most buzz, they say over 17 million users register with Twitter every month and as usual these kinds of sites become a promotional tools for marketers. There are many web and non – web companies promoting themselves on Twitter, some of them include Dell, CNN and Wall Street Journal.
Many people are trying to the buzz of Twitter and this race has given birth to many third party Twitter apps for doing so. They say Dell makes 4 sales every minute using Twitter and it is true.
I started using Twitter like 4 months ago and I’ve already got plenty of followers and upto 10 – 20 people read every tweet I make. Now, the question is, how can this buzz help you to fill up your pockets?
This guide will give you different models of monetization with their advantages and disadvantages.
Direct advertising
If you are a famous person or own a well known business you can sell your followership to internet marketers. Recently Darren Rowse, started Pay-Per-Tweet advertising and he sells it all on his own. For doing this you’ll need a good reputation and a followership. There are rare chances of advertisers contacting you throughTwitter, so you may have to create a blog for selling your services.
You should choose the prices according to your followers and their readership rate as up to 50% of your followers can be spammers. I’d advice you start of with as low as $0.01 a tweet, as this can bring you awareness and a firm platform. Do not Tweet out only advertisements as this may cause you to loose advertisers.
Affiliate marketing
This is the easiest and the most efficient way of monetizeing your account, as affiliate click through rates are high on Twitter. This is the idea which everyone is looking into as if you are not a well known personalty finding advertisers can be tough. Finding affiliate programs are easy and almost every product or service has a payout of up to 20% – 60%. For getting good results their are some factors to consider,
- Cloaking affiliate links – Your followers should not know that what you just tweeted is an affiliate link, cloak your URLs with URL shorteners.
- Creating landing pages - If you give a lin directly to your affiliates site then there will be click throughs but no one would buy or sign up for anything. Create a landing page describing you affiliates product in one or more pages
- Equal proportion - Your tweeting of affiliate links should be like 1 affiliate link for every 10 normal tweets. This helps you to keep your followers happy.
Use a third party network
The increasing popularity of Twitter has given birth to many ad networks dedicated to Twitter advertising. There are many advantages of these ad networks as ad sales are automated and you won’t have to find advertiser’s yourself, but there are many disadvantages as well, not all of these networks allow you to choose the ads that are tweeted and you cannot maintain an equal proportion your tweets and the ads posted. I have listed some of these networks below,
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