Article Marketing is one of the successful way of internet marketers to make profits with products. Many people, looking at these successful internet marketers also desire to make money online through article marketing but many of them fails because they are not able to create an attracting article that will convert into sales for them.
In order for our articles to pull in visitors to our websites from major article sites like; we need to create our articles to do two things. One is to offer useful information and the other is to attract them to click through to our websites.
By offering useful information, we are able to build trust with our readers. This also subtly establishes us as experts. You also do not want to reveal everything within your article. When you do so, they will click away once they read your article and not visit your website where you make your sales.
Your article should be a teaser article written to convince them that they should click through to your website and see what you have to offer. If it sounds challenging to you, I assure you that it is not as I will illustrate to you how easy and simple it can be.
Format of a Traffic-Pulling LSI-Compliant Article
For pulling good amount of traffic to our article, we will first need to get some Long Tail Keywords for our self. A great article on DoshDosh, titled “How to Find and Target Long Tail Keywords for More Search Engine Traffic” could be of great help to you in searching it.
Now once you have searched it, you have to make use of them in your article. Let’s use a keyword like “Registry Cleaner Software” for the purpose of illustrations.
Format of an Article
All articles should contain 3 parts:
- The article title;
- The article content or body;
- The author resource box
Article Title:
The article title tells your reader what to expect from your article. Make it catchy and invoke curiosity. Keep it below 100 characters.
“10 Tips To Keep Your Registry Clean” and “How To Fix Your PC Registry In 3 Steps!” are some examples of powerful article titles.
Tip: People love numbers. Numbering always attracts the attention of your readers.
Article Body:
The article body is where you share the information with your reader. Ideally, have 1 article introduction and at least 4 paragraphs including the conclusion.
Author Resource Box:
The author resource box is where you can place your links to your websites. This is where you pitch your sales and is the most important portion. A lousy resource box will spoil your entire article and ruin your chance of making any sale.
On the contrary, a well-crafted resource box will capture the attention of your audience and make them want to check out your website. Compare these two.
- John makes a living selling reports online. Learn how he does it. Click Here.
- John cashes in $300 paydays selling simple $7 reports. Copy his 5-figure income blueprint and start churning your autopilot cash reports now!
(the bold underlined words are hyperlinks that bring people to his sales page)
Which one is more attractive and which one will you usually click on? Look at what others are doing. Use their ideas.
Continue Reading Part 2 Of Writing an Article That Converts Into Sales…
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