Commenting on other blogs is a very good thing to get readers no matter the blog is a dofollow or nofollow. You should comment on other blogs of your choice regularly. If you are still not convinced about this, here are some top reasons that tells why you should keep commenting on otherblogs:
1. If you keep commenting on other blog with your identity, the owner plus other readers will also start knowing/recognising you. For example, let’s take my blog, I have a reader named “Krisditya”; he comments regulary on my blog on various articles which shows his true readership qualities. You need to leave comment as this is the best and the only way the blog owner can analyze your goals without any sort of direct or indirect communication.
2. Many blogs, these days let you leave a link of your website while writing comments for the blog so while commenting, if you leave a link to your blog, then the chances are you will receive traffic from their if you made any outstanding comment. Thus it will help you in gaining inbound links and traffic also increase in readership.
3. Luck, could be a major factor while commenting. Since when you comment you don’t know that who is reading that thing and it could be possible that some biggies from the industry is reading it and could be amazed by your opinion and might help you in someway .
So keep commenting and add value to the discussion as it includes lots of fun. Now tell me will you/have you start/started commenting onblogs?

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