Make money online with

Have you heard about It is owned by Patrick Gavin who is operation Text Link Ads and

You can make some money online if you own a blog and have some regular readers by writing reviews about products and services offered by various advertisers in the market. You can make $20 to $200 per review on your blog.

To write reviews via, Make some money with ReviewMe

you first need to submit your blog there in a proper category. This service has minimum number of citations, subscribers, and traffic that your blog must satisfy to be accepted there. According to me, to be accepted on ReviewMe, your blog should have Google page rank 3 or more, more than 100 RSS subscribers and good Alexa in the range of 200,000 or better. There are some people who are able to make it to it with less than these stats even.

Once your blog is accepted here, you are eligible to receive requests for reviews. can be really helpful for both advertisers as well as for bloggers:

Use for Advertisers

Advertisers can find the blogs of their choice by browsing the list of blogs by topic, category and by cost of review. Currently there are three ways by which Advertisers can advertise their products or websites on the blogs of their choice:

• By finding the bloggers who are willing to write review for a fixed price being set.
• By offering your product with your pricing let the bloggers decide over it
• Writing reviews for your product by yourself and asking bloggers to publish on their blogs.
Use for Publisher (Blogger)

ReviewMe is a great way to make some instant money for the bloggers. Once your blog is accepted in its marketplace, you can make $20 and $200 per product review. A blogger will have more chances of making money by writing review about more products.

Once you receive a request about writing a review about a product and once you accept that request, you have to write a post about that product and post it on your blog and also need to notify ReviewMe about it. But the length of your post should be more than 200 words.

Payment system

ReviewMe send out the payments on the first of every month. One can receive payment via Check, paypal and Payoneer.

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